18 November 2012

The Weekend Before Thanksgiving

This year, we won't be able to make to Arkansas to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Some of my family came to visit us instead.   We really enjoyed our time together!  We ate at our favorite Thai restaurant (Bangkok Gardens), learned a new game, went shopping in Amish-town, drank 5 bottles of Jeanette Rouge (from Les Bourgeois), and decorated for Christmas.  I'm so sad everyone will be gone by tomorrow, and we'll go back to the daily grind.  I'm grateful for my job, but I miss my family.


Peace and Love, y'all.

16 November 2012

Travel Buddy Bear "Frank" - Vaccinated and ready to go!

I received this little patient in the mail yesterday.  He's from a girl in New York.  I'm making sure he stays healthy on his travels!

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11 November 2012

Weekend activities and Sunday Sketches

I found a new blog hop called Sunday Sketches hosted at Blue Chair Diary Illustrations.  I added a picture link button thingy on the side bar :) Click it to play too!  Scroll to the bottom of this post for my watercolor sketches :)

After work on Saturday, we spent some time with some good friends.  Chase smoked us all at a game of miniature golf, then we ate at an authentic Japanese-Korean bbq, and watched James Bond.  At the restaurant, I ate a bone-in pork and potato stew (with a name I can't pronounce).  I admit I didn't much care for the bone in portion since apparently i was eating epaxial muscles of a pig and the vertebrae were floating in my soup.   However, the flavor of the soup was really good.  If I could have just gotten past the vertebrae part, it would have been really good.    

Just for kicks and giggles here's my desk today.  I've been enjoying the cold and rainy afternoon by painting at my desk.   I only stuck my paint brush in the hot cocoa by accident once.  

I finished 2 cards for my own swaps and 4 parakeets :)

The Painted Haiku Swap

Watercolor Scenes of Winter

Pretty bird swap (parakeets)
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07 November 2012


Play along at http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/.   Julia, thank you so much for hosting!  I enjoy this little blog hop so much :)

Here's my desk this week.  It's got a finished painting (sorta finished).  I don't like the way the grass turned out...so I might do it again!  On my computer is source pictures for ATCs I want to do today :) I'm hosting 3 swaps now that I have to make cards for: WC Animals, WC Scenes of Winter, and the Painted Haiku.

Thanks for looking!
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Goals 2021

  After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1.     Grow your mind: Read 52 books  Th...