29 December 2011

Art Spree

Today was day 2 of my 1 week break!  After seeing Will and Lauren off, I sat around and painted all day! It was heavenly (although I wish Will and Lauren could have stayed longer). 

This is the cover to an art journal :)I've been meaning to start one, but I just couldn't get past that first blank page!  Well beginning the Whimsy 2 class at Art Traders got me over that.  I couldn't wait to start trying my hand at whimsy trees.

Cover.  I applied gesso first, then let it dry.  Next I layered my watercolor, glued on the red paper, added white highlights, and inked it.

Congaree swamp

Yes...I realize trespassing is spelled incorrectly, but ironically this painting is based off a real sign - misspelling and all.
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27 December 2011

Winter Break

Tomorrow begins the first day of winter break.  
 Thank goodness!  These are cards I completed for my Memorable Moments swap :) 

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21 December 2011

Wednesday Workspace

I haven't played in ages! So here goes! You can play too at http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/

Who could resist these fun stripey yarns from Hobby Lobby :) I've got patterns picked out and people in mind! Good thing I'm not exchange gifts until New Years, because I have a lot of crocheting to do!

And Painting-wise..here's what I have on my desk. Memorable Moments swap stuff. This is a swap I'm hosting, but haven't had too many people sign up for yet, but there's still time.
My cards are my greyhound in bunny ears, first dance with my hubby, found a pony... and the saddest card I've ever painted (Saying goodbye). In high school, I had this little monster of a dog that I adored. Corky developed lymphoma and we had to put him down. This was one of the last moments I had with him. You can see from just my outline that his poor submandibular lymph nodes are massive :( We'll see if I actually finish that one.  Maybe it's strange to paint something so sad..but I place a lot of value on that memory.  Since I'll soon be a veterinarian (just 140ish more days!), remembering how it feels to loose my own beloved dog helps me get my clients through the loss of their beloved pet.  Unfortunately, I take the loss of my patients really hard too, and today was one of those tough days.  There were many hugs and many tears along with a resounding feeling..that we did everything we could.  That's the bittersweet part of being a veterinarian.  *end random sad tangent*

The only of my Memorable Moment cards that is finished. :)

Merry Christmas to all of you!

And please remember to keep all your holiday food out reach of your pets (especially those chocolates and anything with raisins)!
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09 December 2011

So Grateful

So here's my belated Thanksgiving post.

Chase and I both were blessed this year in that we actually got time off for Thanksgiving. Once I got the NAVLE over with, we really had a restful, enjoyable break as we visited family and caught up.

Beth bought me this as a belated birthday present :) I love it! I've already had one friend add one to their Christmas wish list. So far this is my only entry in it!

This is a picture of Beth's buttermilk cake - a family favorite (and also Chase's favorite).

Here's my grandpa making fudge: another family favorite!

We got to spend some time with my family too. I miss them and I love them very much. Even with all the stress of big, bad tests and all the upcoming life changes...it's important to take a step back and remember all that I have to be grateful for!

I am grateful for what I am and have.
My thanksgiving is perpetual...
O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches.
No run on my bank can drain it
for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.

Henry David Thoreau

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Goals 2021

  After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1.     Grow your mind: Read 52 books  Th...