05 July 2019

Bar Shampoo!

Our oceans are inundated with plastics. Our Earth is choking on trash. The time has come to make changes. It’s clear our government doesn’t value saving the planet for the next generation. So it’s up to us…collective individuals working together to make better decisions. If money drives this world, by choosing what we spend money on can make a difference. This year, I am focusing on reducing plastics. With every purchase, I ask myself “Is there a plastic free alternative?” While I know I can’t change my family’s practices all in one go, I can make steady progress!

I’m starting with shampoo bottles and soap. This will be easy to change! “Humans have made 8.3 billion tons of plastic” and “Around 60 percent of all the plastics we’ve ever made are on the planet somewhere.”(1) Have you thought about what it means to “throw away” something? Where does it go? Where is this “away” place our trash goes? “Once at sea, plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, but it still doesn’t really go “away”. Some sinks to the ocean floor, some washes up on beaches and some is eaten by fish and other animals, and makes its way back to us in our seafood. A plastic bottle can take hundreds of years to degrade, whereas a long-lasting coconut fiber degrades in just twenty years, an orange peel in six months and brown paper in only a few weeks.” (2)


Did you know you can purchase shampoo in bar soap form? No plastic bottle. No packaging. I found Lush by searching online for a company with values aligned with mine: limited plastic, sustainable ingredients, ethical buying practices, kind to animals. Their shampoo bars are packaged with all paper (ie, fully recyclable) and biodegradable materials. (note: I’m not affiliated with them at all, and this blog is not monetized). I got my first order of Lush bar shampoo in today. I ordered the Godiva shampoo bar and it smells wonderful! It came in a cardboard box packed with peanuts. At first I thought “Oh no! I don’t want peanut packaging!” Then, I noticed that the texture felt different so I plopped one in a cup of water. It dissolved immediately so apparently they are not plastic! One bar of soap can last for 3 bottles of shampoo.  I’m excited to make this change, and so far I love it!  

 For now, I plan to be an eco-warrior with my clean hair and bottle-less bathroom.  Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something! I urge you all… to be mindful of what you buy.   Together we can change the world… by caring, learning, and making eco-friendly decisions. Let’s start now! I challenge you to pick 1 thing to reduce your plastic waste.

1. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/humans-made-8-3-billion-tons-plastic-go 
2. https://www.lushusa.com/story?cid=article_there-is-no-away

Future Changes to my Household Buying
  • No plastic shopping bags
  • Use a local dairy for milk in a reusable glass
  • Glass deodorant or bar deodorant?
  • toothpaste tabs?  
  • Bamboo toothbrushes or at least recyclable heads for our Oral-B electric brush
My goal is to produce so little waste that we can cancel our garbage service.  Phase 2 will be researching what farming practices hurt the bees the most.  Then we'll try to make informed decisions about what produce to buy.   Make steady progress!

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!

Peace and Love, y'all

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