I'm working on a scrapbooking project to try to provide a way to introduce ourselves to foster kids and their families. Not sure if it will actually help, but if my parents were taken from my house...a book detailing where they were going might make me feel a little better. I'll create the book and then see what our placement specialist says about it. For now it gives me something to do. I love having a project to work on ...something to inspire me!

I'll make pages for our house rules, the chinchillas, board games we love, movies we love (children appropriate), outdoor activities, favorite meals, things we love to bake... Anything that would make a child feel more comfortable entering a stranger's house (ie...foster parents' house) or parents of the child feel more comfortable about where the child is going (if that's even possible).
Foster class was really interesting on Tuesday. We discussed the goal of permanency. Basically while a child is in foster care, there are 2 plans that are concurrently in motion. #1 reunification. That's always the goal, but there's always the chance that reunification is just not going to happen. So #2 termination of parental rights and hopefully adoption... Sometimes the powers that be are moving in both directions at the same time. Probably the most important thing that we learned is that there are government subsidies that continue to provide financial for the foster children once adopted. Those subsidies continue to pay for day care and health care for the children. That is such a huge deal for us! We could actually afford to adopt a foster child should they become adoption. WONDERFUL news! One of my fears was that we'd want to adopt but not be able to afford it. I'm so glad to put that fear to rest.
Peace and Love, y'all.
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