Fall was in the air this weekend. There was a cool, crisp breeze that flowed through our open windows. We mowed the lawn, weeded all the flower beds, and got our yard looking respectable. Then we spent our Saturday afternoon watching the sunset at the local winery.
The weather couldn't have been any more beautiful as we sat sipping our wine on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri river.

I felt inspired to finish cards for the swaps I'm hosting. Colorful Hot Air Balloons and Watercolor Still Lifes :)

I felt inspired to finish cards for the swaps I'm hosting. Colorful Hot Air Balloons and Watercolor Still Lifes :)
Sunday was our day to help at church on the hospitality team. We loaded the back seat with 50 dozen donuts or so by 7 am and set up the breakfast table. Then I made my grocery list, and baked a cake...all before noon!
This evening we had community group. This week we discussed the first chapter of Tim Keller's The Meaning of Marriage... which was ironically what was covered in the sermon this morning. I guess we all need a reminder that marriage is much deeper than 2 people coming together for self-gratification. Marriage is a sacred commitment between 2 imperfect people. Through marriage, God teaches couples many lessons...in patience, the meaning of true love, and unity. So far the book has been great, and the discussion even better.
Peace and Love, y'all. It's back to the daily grind tomorrow!
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