So I spent this Wednesday spaying and neutering animals at the local shelter. Last time I resisted looking at all the available animals, but this time I decided 1 peak wouldn't hurt. I walked down the halls, and all the animals peered through their doors with their sad little eyes. Sorry loves...I'm not the one your waiting for. I wish I could save them all, but I'll have to settle with volunteering my time preventing more unwanted animals from being born. Anyway...I almost forgot what day it is!
It's WOYWW hosted by Julia over at On my desk is a notebook with a list of swaps I want to do and trades I have going (ATCs), stamps, envelopes ready to mail, cards I've been working on, and assortment of other goodies :)

My workspace in crafty disarray... Hubby got me a "little" television for my craft corner and it can stream netflix :) Fun fun.
It's WOYWW hosted by Julia over at On my desk is a notebook with a list of swaps I want to do and trades I have going (ATCs), stamps, envelopes ready to mail, cards I've been working on, and assortment of other goodies :)
My workspace in crafty disarray... Hubby got me a "little" television for my craft corner and it can stream netflix :) Fun fun.
The to do list for me today:
-Clean up the vegetarian cages (ie., the guinea pigs and chinchilla)
-Tackle the house "Hot Spots" (those spots where clutter seems to breed and multiply)
-pay bills and organize our finances
Peace and love y'all!
Oh it's like the wardrobe in Narnia. What a nice surprise in there. Wonderful workdesk. Michelle #124
A lovely crafty space. So much to nose at. Love Ruby dog. Thanks for visiting me this week. Anne x #129
love your workdesk. Tahnks for visiting me this week. Michele #130
Ruby looks like good company. I'm sure you would like to save them all but what you do is fantastic. What a good hubby for getting you a tv. great projects on the go. Sandy :) #43
Hey a messy desk like my own...a woman to my own heart. You look like you've had a very busy week. How do you fit any crafting in!!
Take care
XX Julie (paperpathway)
Thanks for your visit!!
Love your desk - lots of things to have a nose at!!
Love you little Ruby - she's such a sweetie!!!!! I would so love a dog but I've been told not until we retire. I don't know how you manage to not bring all those sad eyes home with you!!!!
Happy (late) WOYWW
Love your crafty space ... And a big streaming tv ... Bliss!
Couldn't bear the idea of going and looking at the available animals ... Would kill me as I know we don't have the right lifestyle for an animal so it would be wrong.
Well done on your volunteering!
Thanks for sharing
Catherine 137
Lots of crafty lovliness on your desk. How nice that you volunteer with animals. Have a fab week xx #103
How wonderful that you volunteer spaying and neutering. It is such a necessary service. I had a friend who wouldn't spay her cat using the logic: if everyone spays their house cats then there will be no more house cats because no more kittens will be born. I told her to get back to me with that argument when house cats were on the endangered species list. Then I snatched up her cat as soon as it weaned its 5 kittens and took it to my vet for a spay (with friend's blessings). Then the darn cat almost died from the anesthesia! They did some serious heroics to bring that cat back. Thank gawd too, my friend would have never spayed or neutered another pet EVER (and she did for the few kittens she kept). And no, shh... we never told her the cat almost didn't make it.
Love seeing your little area in chaos because then I know I'm in good company and because it means you have been having fun.
So good of you to do that volunteer work! Your desk looks busy!T
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