Wednesday finds my desk again. I'm so tired I had to retype today's name 3 times before my brain got the right spelling. Play along at
*Begin random babbling* My grandpa is hospitalized now with aspiration pneumonia. He's 94 and has had a full and wonderful life. If you think about all the world events that have happend in the last century and what he's lived through, it's really mind boggling. Women didn't even have the right to vote (in the US) when he was born (1919), the empire state building was built when he was around 12 (1930), The Great Depression, WW2 ( during which he fixed torpedos in Hawaii), television invented, first man sent to space, Civil Rights Act, 9/11, first black US president. As a simple carpenter for a local paper mill and a farmer, he sent his 4 sons to college. It's really quite incredible to think about. The truth is now that he's ready for eternal rest. He's told us that he's ready to meet God. The whole thing has me spending time reflecting on life and death...and letting go. What a beautiful, beautiful life we have. There's so much to much to learn, enjoy, love, create, explore, discover, do... I want to make the most of it, and, God willing, help change the lives of those around me (both animals and people) for the better. So go hug your families now, create a little more this week, and thank God for all your blessings. *End random babbling*
Soo.... My desk. I took the picture of the flowers earlier so there was better lighting :)

I bought these flowers just so I could use them as a painting subject to practice watercolor still lifes!

Here's my desk today. A pile of cards I got from swaps and one card that I did ( the flower, of course). I don't like at all the way the flower turned out so I'll keep right on practicing with my watercolors. Lately, I've just been playing around with my set of plain old Prang watercolors. I have a really nice set of fancy-shmancy watercolors, but for some reason...I've just felt like using the basic set. There's a news paper, a remote...random art odds and ends and a note book with a list of trades/swaps I'm participating in. I need to work on cards for the swaps I'm hosting (Watercolor still lifes, watercolor landscapes, and colorful hot air balloons).but maybe I'll do that next week!
Peace and Love, y'all! Thanks for visiting.