Here's a recipe card I made for someone at ATCsforALL :)
We're starting a new book in YP Sunday school called Money, Greed, and God. This last Sunday was the very first day of the study and was merely an introduction to what we'd be discussing. We spent the first 30 minutes discussing how economics affects every aspect of your life: where you live, what you eat, when/if you have kids, all relationships, how much free time you have, EVERYTHING! So I left the class feeling remarkably depressed and worried about the future. The main worry on my mind now is finding a job where Chase is...ie close to Mizzou. The simple truth is...there are no veterinary jobs here...or even within 2 hours of hear. So it seems like my only option will be to move away and leave Chase here to finish up his doctorate...and then post doc. Having a distance engagement was no fun...and I can only imagine what a distance marriage will be like. And of course, my troubled mind wonders if Chase wants to work here forever..will we never be able to live and work in the same city again? With 120 new graduate veterinarians coming from Mizzou a year, it seems unlikely that a job will ever be open for me here. My loan repayment will be nearly 2K a month to pay off my student loans in 10 years...not working is NOT an option for me. I know these things tend to work out in the end, but it's hard to think about right now. I know I just need to focus on the task at hand, and do my best to develop into the veterinarian I want to be. It's so easy to let worries of the future drown out the joy of today.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
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