25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This Thanksgiving marked the first time Chase and I have celebrated this holiday apart from our families. We had fun, but both of us really missed our family. I've been itching to watch The Incredibles or Blindside all day...probably because they are movies about family. We had a lovely evening just the same. All of my friends came over, and we all worked together to make an excellent Thanksgiving day meal. I made the dressing/stuffing.

Chase helped me put up the tree!!

Beth and the turkey!

This is our fabulous meal (a huge meal for just 7 people). We had mashed potoatos, brocoli, cheesy potato casserole, cranberry salad, salad, dressing, bread, texas sheet cake, apple pie, and pumpkin pie! We also had an assortment of drinks, however I stuck to plain ole soda b/c I was on call. I came in second at a game of scrabble, and kicked some booty at Uno... Now Chase and I are sitting enjoying the peace of the evening...he's watching football, and I'm working on a take home toxicology test

and that's the whole evening!

I'm hopeful I won't get called for the rest of the night too! I enjoy sleeping so much :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great spread!!!

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