Chase planned a trip to a nearby Pumpkin festival as a surpise this morning. There were tons of craft booths selling their wares and TONS of fair type food! Enjoy fall wherever you are!

FOUND ONE!!!!!! Yeah!!!
FOUND ONE!!!!!! Yeah!!!
Potato tornado - an entire potato cut in a spiral and deep fried..then covered in seasoned salt! YUM!!!!!
And corn - grilled and then DIPPED in butter :)
Today when we got home, Chase got the fall decorations out of the closet. I gave Ruby a bath, and now we're sitting around watching TV (as soon as I finish this post, i'm going to start studying for last round of finals EVER).
Lately the parable of the ungrateful, unforgiving servant has been heavy on my mind... You know the one where the king forgave a servant a HUGE debt (Mat 18:21-35). Then the unforgiving servant went out and demanded another servant repay him a smaller debt. The unforgiving servant had the second servant put in jail. So the master placed the unforgiving servant in jail to be tortured until he could pay back his debt. Anyway, there was a debt I needed to forgive and let go, because I don't want to be like that servant. And with God's help, that chapter is finished and I'm moving on from it :) There's no day like today to forgive someone! Just remember this parable next time someone has wronged you or owes you :)
Peace and Love, y'all!
Good luck with your final FINALS! I know you will be glad to be DONE with that phase!
And thanks for yet another well-timed parable reminder . . . I always seem to be able to match them to something I am dealing with as well.
Yum, indeed! Gotta love fried potatoes and butter-smothered corn. om nom nom
Also, pumpkins are gross. ;)
You guys color coordinated and even matched the pumpkins.
Can't wait to come and visit.
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