Can't you relate to this little girl? She looks pretty grumpy to me! Actually this is a fine morning, and I'm happy to be awake and enjoying a cup of coffee before rushing off to class. The little hummingbird in this picture sits on the tomato lattice and gaurds the hummingbird feeder from other hummers. What a selfish little thing! Although..I suppose I guard my resources every bit as much as she does- especially my time.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life" Matthew 6: 25-27
Over the long weekend, I was able to get some painting done (and let the dogs run all over the apartment since all my neighbors were gone).

I went on an African Art painting spree - I finished 5 paintings similar to this one, but this one is my favorite. They seem to be fairly popular at ATCsforAll, so I might make a few more since I enjoyed making them so much. They are simple to make as well. I simply masked out the sun, did an orange/yellow wash for the background, painted the brown ground, painted the clothing, and used a liner brush to paint the people. On subsequent paintings, I let the people dry and then went back and added shadows to the ground and clothing. Last I removed the masking fluid and painted some light yellow around the perimeter of the sun. Quite fun and relaxing.

This last painting may or may not be for my swap. I have to decide if it fits the theme of COLORFUL Hot Air Balloons. I'll see if anyone sends in cards that could be swapped for it :)
Friday features the first test of this instructional block. So goals for this week...
- keep up with house work (less distraction for studying)
- read bible daily
- Complete Week 1 of 10k training.
Peace and Love to all!
**edit: Chase informs me that that is male juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird as indicated by the one little reddish dot on his throat. Whether male or female, it's one grumpy-looking bird!
I needed that worrying scripture today - thanks!
love that bird! and those ATCs are great! hope you get all your goals done!
i love the three ladies!
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