14 June 2009

Cecropia Moth - a rather large visitor

As I was on my way out the door, I was startled to see this very large bug on my door frame. She is by far the biggest bug I have ever seen, and that includes my time spend in Costa Rica!

She is a Cecropia Moth, a type of silk moth and the largest moth in North America. I know it is "she" because her antennae are less fuzzy than a male's, and her body is nice and plump.

I was delighted to see such a beautiful creature, and photograph her. She was gone when I returned ^_^

My hand is level with her.

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Conductor said...

So pretty...it's amazing what beauty nature has to offer. I have never seen that kind of moth before...and I have lived in the woods for more than 15 years.

I forgot to tell you I saw 2 scissor-tailed flycatchers tonight. :D

Sleep well!

Anna said...

my gosh! so amazingly beautiful...and at your home.... we probably miss lots of interesting things just because we are rushing out the door. I really need to figure out how to sloooooowwwwwwww down. love yu! my sweet miracle!

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