This was roughly how I felt on Monday...which moved to near terror on Tuesday as I found out some heartbreaking news. Wednesday, grades were finally posted and we dealt with the aftermath of a long battle. I passed and most of those near me did as well. However grades and stress claimed 3 of my classmates much to everyone's sadness. I wonder if the rest of the class feels how I do...determination with a touch of survivor's guilt. All I can do is hope that this semester I will feel better and try to keep a postive, encouraging attitude up for myself and classmates. Perhaps an overall sense of negativity and hopelessness contributed to my class's drop out rate...
As soon as finals were over and I'd at least had an introduction to my new classes, I started reading some books. Like any good nerd, I of course can't stop once I start. So most of this weekend was spent curled up in various comfy locations around my apartment. Luckily there are only 4 books in the series...I finished the 3rd this morning. I meant to go to church and I actually put my book down long enough to get ready and make sure of what time church/YP started... whoops. I forgot about the time change.
Yesterday was fun. A group of us got together and watched anime and made potstickers. The four of us stood around and rolled up the little dumplings, cooked them (at least 100), and then sat around eating them and watching Fruits Basket. I guess we all needed the break from studying.
Yummy potstickers
This morning I find myself alone in my apartment for yet another day. I should be studying today, but i don't really feel much like studying. However if I don't, I'll end up getting buried like last semester. And procrastination simply isn't worth the amount of stress I went through at the last of this semester...I actually considered going to the in house psychologist..but i'm not depressed - just a little stressed. I think a weekend of rest and a rest start are just what i needed. Of course God will have to help me more diligent about keeping up with my classes this semester...I'm pretty sure that will take divine intervention ^_^
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