Alright! New movie!

The next day, Chase and I hit Pea Ridge. Hmmmmm....the skies are looking ominous.....Oh well...

Pea Ridge has bikes for visitors to use free of charge! So we go on 2 bikes and started on the 7 mile road tour...

As the clouds close in on use, Chase checks the map.... Will we make it?

Nope...It started pouring before we could reach the shelter. We're soaked to the bone...But at least we made it to the overlook shelter before the lightening started.

At around 4:30PM...I thought we should call the park's office to tell them we didn't run off with their bikes, and we'll be down to the visitor center as soon as the storm lets up. 1o minutes later, a park ranger pulls up in a pickup to rescue us! Hahaha! I've never had to be rescued from a park before. Fun times ^_^
In other news, I'm officially moved out of the dorm now and living on the floor of my apartment. Haha, none of my bedroom furniture is here yet. I made all As except for in Biochemistry... so that's good too. I was soo close to making all As this semester, but I'm relieved it was only in one class I didn't... I'll be going back to the Rock tomorrow...So until then...Cheerio!
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