Other news. I was sick last night...at least it was last night and not the night before or tonight (I hope). I didn't get to sleep until after 4 AM in time to wake up @ 7 and decide to try to sleep for another hour. Then I stumbled out of bed, got dressed, grabbed a bite, and ran into class at 8:30 (on the dot). Survived 2 tests yesterday (History midterm and Horse Prod.). I have biochem tomorrow...eeep...only about 4 hours left to study. Pre-vet + Ambassador meeting on Thursday. Rough draft for my thesis proposal is due on Friday. I also have an Advisory Board meeting with the Dean on Friday.
Inherit the Wind quiz next Monday. SURPISE! parasitology test on Tuesday (he announced it today...better than his original intention of on the 8th). Orphan Foal Care report due on Wednesday along with an ambassador meeting. Sheep Exam on Thrusday. Budget (?) for my thesis proposal due Friday. Then....then.....then
S P R I N G B R E A K! spring break. SprInG bReAK!
spring break

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