14 March 2006

Oh, I remember

Pre-vet symposium was refreshing. I remember why I'm taking organic and other classes I don't particularly care for. For a while, I've been wondering if 6 more years of school, $100,000 in student loans, and sacrificing a bit of the social aspect of life is really worth it. Do I have the passion and dedication required to even get there? What else am I equipped to do? Maybe this isn't where God wants me. But pre-vet symposium really confirmed my mission in life.

"Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowlege and skills for the benefit of society through
  • the protection of animal health
  • the relief of animal suffering
  • the conservation of animal resources
  • the promotion of public health
  • the advancement of medical knowledge

I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterirnary medical ethics.

I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence."

Someday I hope to take that oath. I don't know if I'll work in a general practice or in a lab somewhere, but I want to help animals and people through my work. I just want to help. I want to know what veterinarians know. I want to be the person who gives a little boy's first puppy his first set of vaccinations and smiles as the boy lovingly takes that puppy home. I want to be the person who puts her arm around the old man who says goodbye to his beloved friend for the last time. That's what I want almost more than anything. It hurts. So that's why I'm here, and I'll do what it takes to follow that dream. Even if it means never dating a single person until I'm 30 or studying when I want to be with friends.


Anonymous said...

You are officially a nicer person than me.
Well... maybe. But definately more of an idealist.
I'm going to go wake you up for breakfast now.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. My IR class last spring did that for me and last semester reconfirmed it. Only I don't know what profession I want to go into, only that I want to travel the world and use my knowledge of security studies to help. And one day, I want to give other students the same excitement about IR that Dr. Purvis gives to me.

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