So here's a real update on life's going (no art or foster children).
Last weekend, I went to Texas for a wedding. Congrats to the happy couple! Love you guys!

Here's my immediate family! My brother is so grown up now!
Last weekend, I went to Texas for a wedding. Congrats to the happy couple! Love you guys!
Here's my immediate family! My brother is so grown up now!
Here are the newly weds: Michael and Jessica! Since all of my cousins are getting married, it's nice having more girls in the family! The wedding was just gorgeous, and the reception was one heck of a party. My family is so wonderful, and I miss them so much. I'm so blessed to have the support of so many wonderful people.
This week, it was hard to get back into the swing of things, but I managed to survive. I had some crazy cases, but they seem to be doing alright. I also had my annual exam. Much to my surprise, I had significant pain on palpation of my upper abdomen. It's been 3 days since my appointment, and the pain never really abated. For the last year and a half, I've had...well it sounds like morning sickness. Inappetance, nausea, vomiting almost every single morning until about 10 am. And NO...I'm not expecting. In May 2012, I was 165 October that year I was 150. I've been maintaining about there since then. For the past couple of months I've also had a little more heart burn than usual. Some nights as I'm trying to fall asleep...I feel like I could breathe fire. So my doctor ordered a full ultrasound, a whole bunch of blood tests, and told me to take omeprazole twice a day instead of just once. I've been taking it once a day...but it doesn't really seem to help much. Anywho...I'm waiting for the bloodwork results, and the ultrasound is next week. After that, she said we'll talk about an upper GI. Oh joy!
This weekend, Beth and I went shopping. Why not, eh? Who cares that I wear blue jeans and a scrub top every single day... I'll dress up after work for going out. Yeah...going out. Fine. I just enjoying owning cute clothes! CHURCH! That's where I'll wear them...
After a long day of shopping, a Salted Caramel Mocha sounded just right. I never drink these frou-frou drinks...but this one was particularly enjoyable (even though I only drank half).
New clothes! The best part of having an ulcer (or whatever is wrong with my stomach): Weight loss was effortless. Not feeling like eating breakfast..and then eating months of salad...or pita with hummus for lunch...or deli meat rolled around a piece of cheese. I lost 15 pounds like it was nothing. None of my shorts fit anymore...
So the pants with the blue shirt...I tried them on as a dare. They are shiny, black denim..they actually worked as part of the outfit, and apparently no one else had wanted them since they were 60% off the sale price.
I also couldn't resist this silk, black and white, floral cami with RUFFLES! I thought it went well with the cardigan I just recently bought...
In other news, fall is upon us with her crisp nights and frosty mornings. So far these are the only flowers holding on. My gourd plants have all turned brown and hopefully I will have some nice gourds to paint come spring time! I will leave the actual gourd crop out there to dry out over the winter.
As far as my art goes, I'm working up the energy to paint my Christmas card line. I'll admit, I've started watching Christmas movies to get myself in the spirit. I'm hoping to have a line or two out by Thanksgiving.
Anyway, if you read this blog...know that I appreciate you!
Peace and Love, y'all!