25 July 2012


Play along here:  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/

So here's my workspace this week.   It has some ATCs I've been working on for trading over at ATCsforAll .  Also there are some new stamps that were on sale at Michaels, stencils, watercolors, etc.

Thanks for looking!
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22 July 2012

Sassy Models ATCs

I've finally started ATCs back up again.   My style is shifting again as I'm trying out altered art :) 

Signed up for this swap:

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18 July 2012

"Love" Altered book page

I haven't done much in the way of art lately so I decided to put some time aside just for art today.  I'm sort of working through one of Willowing's classes (art, heart, and healing), but I got distracted by the idea of attempting a male whimsical character.   Seriously...have you ever seen a dude in that new style of whimsical art?  You know the style I'm talking about...google Willowing or Kelly Rae Roberts.  The style is pretty popular right now..but there are no guy faces.  Anyway..this is the result of my attempt to paint a whimsical dude.  My husband asked who the girl on the left was.  *sigh*  Short of giving him face hair or a box for a face, I'm not sure what I can do.  Ah..mysteries to ponder, techniques to practice.

Peace and Love, y'all!
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WOYWW - AC unit, Animals, Armoire, Abdomen, Art/Heart/Healing,

Welcome to WOYWW!  Hosted by Julia over at the Stamping Ground every Wednesday (http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/) :)  I had such great intentions of posting early this week, but it just didn't happen! 

The babbling about random events:
First of all, on Monday night my brother called to tell me that my mom had to call an ambulance for my dad b/c he was having severe abdominal pain.  He's doing fine now.  The docs said it was likely just a stomach bug and sent him home for supportive care.   After that call, I noticed the temperature in my house was 78...3 degrees higher than what it should have been..and approaching too hot for some of my animals.   We realized the condensor thingy outside wasn't even running any more.  Long story short, we were without AC yesterday, but they fixed it today. So there's was a lot to take care of before I could snap a picture. 

The tour of my workspace:
 I thought I had it all squared away last week, but my folks brought up an armoire they are giving to us.  Armoire...that word never looks right.  Oh well...I fit almost all my craft supplies in it :)  Ewedora is the sheep on top of it.  She's rather an old sheep now - 9 years old!  She was a high school art project.

My crafting supplies and Ewedora on top. 

And look! My desk isn't completely empty this week!  HOORAY! On it is a book I'm about to alter...it's going to be my Art, Heart, and Healing Journal.   That's a free course offered by Willowing (linky thing on the side bar) that I think is going to be a lot of fun...and really good for me since I'm a little anxious lately.   Also on my desk is a stack of pages from a bird calender.  A bird a day to create art with!  What else?  random things...key to unknown car (maybe hubby's), new light switch i need to install, graduation card, coupons, speaker, tools to remove splinter from husband's foot... that's all!  Thanks for looking!  I can't wait to look around this week at everyone's crafty corners!

Peace and Love, y'all!
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16 July 2012

Random non-Wednesday post

Phew! I'm so tired this week...and it's only Monday.   This last weekend my parents came up for a visit to bring the piano and a wardrobe.  Thanks to the help of some people from church, the two new pieces of furniture are happily settled in.  I'm so happy to have my piano here... I'm not very good at it, but I like to putter around with it.  Music is therapeutic.  My mom and I rearranged all my crafting supplies so they are all contained within the wardrobe thingy.   That freed up a couple of shelves to put in other places.  I'm even letting Chase have a shelf all of his own :)   My dog chewed my SD card for my camera, and I don't at present know where my backup cards are.  Whoops.  Bad Ruby Dog!  Otherwise I'd take a picture to share.   We also checked out every one of the used furniture shops and flea markets in the Columbia area, and we found a bed frame for the "girly" guest room.  This room is red and white with lots of pictures and mementos from our wedding.  The bed we bought is a simple frame with a cherry veneer.   The bed just completes the ambiance of that room :)  Anyway...the weekend was a lot of fun, and it went by too quickly.    I wish our family lived closer - I miss them.  Sometimes having the 2 extra bedrooms just makes me feel lonely.  I miss my family, and I miss all my wonderful vet school friends.

I've been wondering lately how I can get my creative spark going again.  Graduating, moving, and starting a new job sort of drained the creative juices.  Work is sometimes stressful.  My patients often take a large portion of my brain after I clock out each day.  I carry my patients in my heart - always.  Sometimes that burden is not easy to carry.  I'm learning to rely on God to take care of them and guide my decisions with regards to my patients.  After all... true healing comes from God, but I like to think He works through me as his instrument of healing :)

Back to the creativity!  I have another blog that I've set to publish weekly art subjects, but I've been too busy to keep up with it.   I haven't really felt like doing it anyway.   So I decided to maybe do another online class... Art Trader discontinued their classes *sad* so I had to try somewhere else.  I'm not very good at actually finishing classes I sign up for, but I enjoy puttering around with them just the same.  The class I've decided on is a free one over at Willowing:  Art, Heart & Healing  (Look! I added a shiny new blog tag thingy linking to Willowing on my sidebar).  It sounds like a fun, whimsical class with a little bit of art therapy mixed in :)  Sometimes in my art I write my prayers down as the first layer..then gesso and paint over it so it's not legible to others.  It's a way for me to get my feelings down and process some of the more difficult things to deal with... like having to put down an animal I just can't do anything to save.

Peace and Love, y'all!

11 July 2012

Time for "What's on your Workspace Wednesday"

Sorry I'm late (as usual).  If you want to playing along...check out Julia's blog http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ on a Wednesday! Today was a day off, but I volunteered at a local animal shelter the first half the day.  I spayed and neutered some animals for them and managed not to go look at all the adoptable critters.  Then I got so hungry...I gobbled down a meal from the first fast food place I saw...and fell asleep again for 4 more hours.   Whoops.   Anyway.  I finally have my crafting space all organized and the walls painted.   Maybe now I can finally get some art work done!!  Now what should I do? Hmm...ATCs...paint some art work for my new house.. :)  I'm so happy to have a space of my own just for crafts!!

My craft corner (and the chinchilla)

Chase's half (and Ruby's crate and Gary's dog bowls)

The "Vegetarian Corner"  Chimichanga the Chinchilla and Chorizo the Guinea pig...

Panda Piggy died (something wrong with his liver and kidneys as best I can tell) Since he was a abandoned pet, I have no idea if something was wrong with him before now or how old he was. :(  Chorizo is still doing great!

Peace and Love y'all!
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Goals 2021

  After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1.     Grow your mind: Read 52 books  Th...