Happy WOYWW!
This past weekend, my husband and I packed up all our belongings (ie, crap) and moved into our new house! Chase's parents came up to help over the weekend, our community group cam over to help unpack on Sunday, and my mom and aunt came to help us get to a "livable" state of settled in Monday and Tuesday. I pushed it a little too hard and got a summer cold. Luckily we hired professionals for the big stuff or we'd be even more exhausted.

Moving truck! Well worth the money to hire professionals to move the big stuff.

Here's my new craft space - complete with chinchilla (and soon a guinea pig too). Hopefully over the next week or two I can get it squared away enough to start crafting.
Questions for the lovely WOYWWers:
-What color should I paint this room? I was thinking a green - maybe sage green? I was voting for a lime green, but my husband says that's too bold. I also like pale blue. The rest of my house is a neutral sort of yellow - lots of red furniture. Maybe sage green walls with red accents... All I know is..it's certainly not staying white!
-Window treatment ideas? Anyone got any clever ideas for them?
Thanks for stopping by!
*Edit* Here's the latest addition to our family! Don't know what we'll name him yet...maybe Panda-piggy. He's from a local pet store that is closing. He's an older fellow so he didn't find a new home quickly after he was dumped at the shop. Since they are closing, the owner asked me to take this little fellow. She's still working hard to place the rest of the critters. I might take one more male guinea pig if she doesn't sell them all.