Yesterday I decided to reorganize the guest bedroom/craft room. First though, I had to scour the apartment for my furniture glider things. After all, I couldn't possibly move all that furniture with out them (at least without assistance). I finally got frustrated enough looking for them that I just went and purchased more... Anyway, the hubby was complaining about the corner where I placed his desk so it was time for a change. So I rearranged it:
The guest bed is covered in stuff I had to take off the shelves so they would be light enough for me to move by myself. Putting them under the window frees up a lot of wall space :)
Here's a stack of notes I decided to get rid of...after all the final graduation of all my education is in May. Here's 8 years worth of notes from college and vet school that I haven't looked at since I was in class taking said notes. So GOOODBYE! Chase and I combined got rid of about 50 pounds of paper :)
Here where I stationed my craft desk. I even have a space for the portable table (where my laptop is stationed) to stay permanently. The short shelf is nearby so I can place my jars of pencils and pens and free up more work space. I also found a home for the little ring holder. Now I can place my rings there while I make a mess of my hands with paint :) Best of all, I can look right at my favorite ATCs from other artists. Even though I loved the lighting from the window, I like being in this (the corner my hubby hated) even better. The window is drafty and the glass is fogged in between the panes so it didn't work out as I had hoped...
The new guest bed location looks nice, I think. I keep clean sheets on 24/7...just in case someone decides to visit! (ahem... you know who you are...come visit me!!!)
In other news, I caught the yearly cold... I get sick every single winter since I moved to Missouri. This year though...I'm not letting it go past 4 weeks. The past 3 years, it's gone on for months...until my mom and husband threaten to hogtie me and take me to doctor. I'm like the fractious cat that knows when to hide when it's time for her yearly vet appointment.
An orderly environment inspires... so here's what I made!

Peace and Love, y'all!