Chase's family came to visit over the holiday weekend. We had a great time just hanging out and checking out the local frozen custard and yogurt shops. I was on call for a lot of the weekend, but managed to only get called in for 2 emergencies :) Hooray! So I was able to cook all the food I had planned on making...spinach and tomato-bacon quiche on biscuit, zucchini bread,
rainson bran bread, and oven-baked fried chicken. We visited my favorite Thai food place, and it was
ooooh soooo delicious! I wish we lived closer so we could visit more often (and I love cooking for people...). Ruby wishes they would stay all the time...she needs more respect (she got a bath and her anal glands expressed today).

Summer is undeniably here! My flowers are in bloom; my tomato plant is growing well, but has no blooms yet.

To celebrate the 4
th Chase and I went over to a friends house for
bbq and fireworks. No sooner had I grabbed a sparkler did my phone ring. So I had to go in to help with a sick animal, but I watched the city's fireworks from the vet school parking lot waiting for it to arrive.

My hibiscus is flowering :)

Chase spread some birdseed out in the weed patch behind our apartment (where there were formerly trees before the power company cut them down), and look what grew: big beautiful sunflowers! So if we don't make it to a field of sunflowers this summer - at least I'll have some here to enjoy!
Peace and Love, y'all!