25 April 2010

Honeymoon Scrapbooking

I've started scrapbooking again ^_^ Ask me if you want credits...most of the stuff came from Scrap girls

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17 April 2010

How to Trade Your Dragon and other musings

"How to TRADE your Dragon" is my lastest swap. It's only my second swap to host so it's limited to 20 participants. But it's already got a waiting list! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Chase and I are currently reading a book on marriage called Love and Respect. Although it might be one of the most redundant books I've ever tried to read, he has a lot of observations that I think are very true. It's centered around Ephesians 5:33:
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Men need respect. Women need love. Of course that's not to say that men don't need love or women don't need respect, but respect and love are the primary needs of husbands and wives (respectively). For most couples, it appears to be a lack of these that cause conflict. The husband doesn't feel respected so he reacts poorly to his wife. The wife feels unloved so she disrespects her husband...and etc etc into what Dr. Eggerichs calls the "Crazy Cycle." Anyway, it's been interesting. I've been sure to tell Chase how much (and in what ways) I really respect him. Ladies, if you have a significant other, try telling him in what ways you respect him ^_^ It'll really brighten his day!

I hope everyone is well! Haha, school has been tough lately, but I'll saving the whining for another day! Love and blessings <3>
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07 April 2010

Hope on the Horizon

Good news! 2 of my 4 exams next week have been moved to the following week! That will make next so much more manageable. I think my blood pressure went down just thinking about it (it was a bit high today when we measured it - that could have been the shots and blood draw).

I had blood work for my rabies titer drawn today. Apparently my veins are tiny - the lady was really embarrassed she had to stick me twice! Haha - the vet students that went before had no problems. I also got my tetanus and H1N1 vaccines today for a grand total of 2 pokes per arm!

Anyway, I'm hosting another swap at ATCsforAll called "How to Trade Your Dragon" It's full already and has a bunch of talented artists signed up! Yay! My first swap went really well - only 2 people (international folks) haven't received their returns yet, but those that have really love the cards they got!

Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon.

Goals 2021

  After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1.     Grow your mind: Read 52 books  Th...