22 January 2010

What a Week...

This week I perfected the single serving blueberry toatser oven treat.

Chase and Ruby snuggled up on the couch...

I did this last week ^_^

So we had some tests today. I didn't do as well as I hoped in pharm - but hey I did just fine. Radiology was a little rough - the cases were not as "straight foward" I as though. I was just a bit disappointed with my performance, but we'll get grades back later. So I guess there's no point in worrying about it just yet. I wanted to ace this test so I'd have a cushion for the remaining tests. *sigh* I studied so hard - I'm just worried my effort didn't pay off.
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17 January 2010

Clean House!

So Chase just up and volunteered to help me clean the house today ^_^ He just started vacuuming! Aaahh. How nice ^_^

I got out the springy table cloth. Not quite sure about how I'm going to arrange this yet ^_^

Clean den!

Clean bedroom!

Ok. Gary says it's time for bed. Goodnight!
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16 January 2010

My Swap

After seeing the response to my latest work at ATCSforAll.com I decided (after someone suggested it) to make this my first swap! It's based of a tutorial in the 9th issue of arttrader magazine (it's free)... So I asked the author for permission, and she gave me the go ahead and even was the first to sign up for my swap! I'm so excited about it, but also a little nervous. I don't want to mess it up!

Here are my entries for my own swap. If I have time and energy I'd like to make cards for everyone who signs up (shhh...don't tell). Considering my upcoming test schedule...it's doubtful I'll be able to. Next week is going to be a killer! I'm really having fun with this!

Also, classes are going pretty well right now. They are really challenging, but I'm enjoying them! I've actually done moderately well on the quizzes too (straight Bs). Of course, I'm still aiming for better grades, but B's are great too :)

Peace and love to all!
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11 January 2010

I did art! I did art!

So in the latest issue of Art Trader e-zine (it's free) there was a 10 minute art walkthrough by Sal Scheibe which I did. I didn't think I could acheive good results..but being about to do art in 10 minutes was too good of a lure. So I tried it and was very pleased with the results. Thanks for the great tutorial! I think I'll keep doing these for a bit.

Congrats to the happy new parents Michelle and Paul! Little Adah is beautiful! I'm so happy for you too :)

Update on my clinical schedules to follow later this week. Right now, classes are the most challenging they've been (i honest to goodness study for hours every night), but they are the most awesome they've been yet (so far..the first round of tests is in the next couple of weeks). I'm learning how to be a vet!!!
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06 January 2010

Christmas Break

Chase and I were luckily able to go home over break. We enjoyed spending time with both of our families ^_^

Family portrait...sort of. Gary was too lazy to sit up for the photo.

As promised, here is a family photo of some very close family friends.

Chase's grandpa made one of these for all of his grandchildren and children. We will treasure ours forever.

Chase and I placed our wash stand in the master bedroom right before you enter the bathroom. Haha - we're still debating what we should put in it! I think some reorganization is in order. It would look fabulous with the oak desk my grandpa made so maybe someday those will both go in the same bedroom.
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Goals 2021

  After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1.     Grow your mind: Read 52 books  Th...