Y'all, I'm too busy with crafts, painting, reading, or playing with my kids to keep an eye on dinner! Whoops!
30 October 2008
28 October 2008
I donated blood
27 October 2008
Random layouts...
26 October 2008
Ziti with Roasted Asparagus
Ziti with Roasted Asparagus (from the Good Housekeeping Cookbook) - recipe halved
2 tables spoons olive oil
1/8 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 pound of asparagus (trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces)
1/2 package (16 ounces) ziti
1/2 cup half-and-half
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon peel
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/3 cup toasted pecans, coursely chopped (I left them whole)
1. Preheat to 400 degrees F. Combine oil and rosemary in baking pan. Place in oven until oil is hot, about 4 minutes. Add aparagus; toss to coat with oil. Roast asparagus tossing every 5 minutes for about 15 minutes or until tender.
2. Meanwhile, in large saucepot, cook the pasta as labelled and drain.
3. In large skillet, heat half and half to boiling over medium heat; cook 5 minutes. Stir in lemon peel, salt, and pepper. Add pasta and asparagus; toss to coat. Transfer to warm serving bowls and sprinkle with pecans.
Each serving: 410 calories, 15 g. Protein, 63g carbohydrates, 12g total fat (4g saturated), 15mg cholesterol, 282 mg sodium
Tortilla Espanola - Breakfast with friends
Here is my tasty breakfast featuring strawberries, grapes, cream cheese fruit dip, pancakes, Spanish omelet, and hot chocolate :)
Tortilla Espanola
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 pound of potatoes
1 large onion
pinch of red pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
4-5 eggs (salt and pepper to taste)
2 Green onions
1. Heat oil and fry potatoes. Stir in onions and cook until softened. Salt and pepper to taste. Add a pinch of red pepper if you want.
2. Beat eggs and salt and pepper to taste.
3. Pour in eggs and mix. Brown eggs on bottom.
4. Using a plate to assist you, flip the omelet and brown the other side :)
5. Garnish w/ green onions
24 October 2008
SSD - From Our Blog to yours
What Your Jack-o-Lantern Says |
You tend to be a very dramatic, flamboyant person. For you, Halloween is another chance to perform. This Halloween be something completely unusual... and shock everyone. The candy you should give out: mini chocolate bars |
23 October 2008
Fall Pictures 2008
22 October 2008
Prayer request - Ward
Here is his story from his Caring Bridge Website http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/Ward1:
Posted ~10pm, 19 Oct 2008:
(ed)Ward Jablonski III is currently an Electrical Engineering Student at the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering, a member of the U of H Honors College, an Eagle Scout, on the Debate Team, a CAP Aviation Cadet Officer, a NASA intern, and a very proud member of the TRIANGLE Professional Fraternity.
This site is dedicated to YOU, his loving and supportive extended family, fellow students at college and high school, scout troop, debate team, air squadron, NASA coworkers, church, and, his fraternity brothers.
Many of you have asked how you can help. Flowers/cards are NOT allowed in the room per rules. We can only think of two things at this time: 1) Although he has only needed a little bit of blood so far, we can never know for the future. You can donate blood in his (full) name at any Blood Center in the country. Blood types won’t matter. 2) Although we think insurance should cover this, we never know that either. Contact his dad or mom if you want to consider a financial donation.
Chronology of Events:
~6pm Friday, 17 October 2008: As we were to learn later, (this story is has been pieced together over time, and is still evolving), Ward was driving his stepfathers Ford Explorer along I-10 near San Antonio with 4 other fellow engineering students. Ward was changing lanes when there appeared a large piece of road debris (truck tire) in the lane he was going into. While swerving to avoid the debris, the already top-heavy vehicle, now fully loaded with 5 people and all their gear, rolled over [as many as 6 times!]. There were no other vehicles involved, and both in the front seat were indeed wearing their seat belts. Two of the young men (including Ward) were trapped in the upside-down wreckage, unconscious. Emergency workers arrived and cut them out, and had two of the boys (he and David) heli-evac'd from the scene within two hours. Everyone survived. Ward's quick-thinking saved the vehicle from an even worse head-on impact with the debris - it was only due to the nature of vehicle itself that it rolled over.
Three of the boys were thrown clear (two of which are already home as of this writing). One of these, his friend "Mo", was ambulanced to the same hospital with a broken sholder blade(s?). Note: He, too, is already home as of this writing. Only Ward and his buddy David are still in the hospital.
~8:15pm Friday October 17, 2008: For me, Wards dad, the story began with "THE CALL", the one that every parent dreads. "Hello, this is Paul, the social worker from Brackenridge Hospital in Austin, Texas. Your son has just been life-flighted in with serious head injuries from a car accident. There was lots of blood". So, I called his mom, and we quickly [!] packed and convoyed to Austin (a four hour drive), accompanied by Ward's brother Phillip.
~1:00am Saturday, October 18, 2008: Even though we got there as quickly as possible, we then of course had to wait. Ward was currently having his second surgery. The first one was trauma surgery to stabilize him. The second was neuro surgery.
~3:00am Saturday, October 18, 2008: We first get to see Ward in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). He is a mess. There are many cuts, bruises, scrapes, and a VERY swollen right eye, etc. Tubes everywhere, and, his skull is bandaged. Fortunately, we get to speak with his neurosurgeon, who says that although he had a severe bump to the head, that his operation to relieve pressure to the brain went VERY well, and Ward is in as good a shape as can be expected. The staff of the ICU are great, and the hospital is very well-equipped.
10am Sunday, October 19, 2008: He looks much better! Much of the swelling has gone down, and the skin bleeding has been cleaned up.
Ward’s brother and stepfather went to the Police department’s holding yard to inspect the wrecked vehicle, and they recovered all the cell phones, luggage, baggage, and personal effects that were available, while on their way back to Houston. They will distribute these effects to their rightful owners at the TRIANGLE Engineering student dormitory.If I do say so myself, he's a rather handsome cousin.
Blessings. Let us be grateful for the time we are given.
This year has been a dramatic year for my family. My brother had a rather close call in the spring, and Papa had an emergency surgery during vacation in California. Ward's accident is hopefully the last drama we will have this year. In all three of these situations, God has been incredibly merciful to my family. George miraculously woke up and was able to alert my parents. He also miraculously clotted on the way to the hospital. Papa's crisis happened in California, where he was surrounded by family as well as a hospital with a caring staff and large enough rooms to hold the entire Murphy clan as we visited. Miraculously, he was discharged from the hospital in time for the wedding of his first grandchild. In Ward's case, the accident could have been worse. All 5 young men survived, and Ward and David continue to recover. It is believed that Ward's quick thinking saved them from a worse accident. I know God's hand played a role in all this. He did not spare us from hardship and trial, but He guides us through them. It is a time such as this that our family draws near to support each other in prayer and in love. I am so blessed and so thankful for the mercy shown to my family and for the opportunity to see the hand of God working in this world. I will hope and trust in Him.
18 October 2008
Recipe # 1 - Katie's Adventures with Pad Thai
Pad Thai - from the Good Housekeeping Cookbook
Prep time: 25 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes
1 package (7-8 ounces) rice stick noodles
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup Asian fish sauce (nam pla - I used Oyster sauce instead because I couldn't find Fish sauce)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
8 ounces medium shrimp, shelled and deveined (then cut lengthwise in half)
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
6 ounces bean sprouts (2 cups), rinsed and drained
1/3 unsalted roasted peanuts, coursely chopped
3 green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup loosely packed fresh cilantro leaves
lime wedges
1. In large bowl, soak rice stick noodles in enough hot water to cover for 20 minutes. Drain. Cut into 4 inch lengths.
2. Meanwhile, in small bowl, combine lime juice, fish sauce (oystersauce), and sugar. Assemble all remaining ingredients and place next to stove (you'll really need to do this....the rest moves quickly).
3. In 12-inch skillet, heat oil over high heat until hot. Add shrimp, garlic, and crushed red pepper; cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add eggs and cook, stirring, until just set, about 20 seconds. Add drained noodles and cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Add sauce mixture, half of bean sprouts, half of peanuts, and half of green onions; cook, stirring, 1 minute.
4. Transfer Pad Thai to warm platter or serving bowl. Top with remaining bean sprouts and sprinkle with remaining peanuts, green onions, and cilantro. Serve w/ lime wedges. Makes a ridiculous amount "3 main dish servings" but i think it'll last us a long time....
Each serving: about 472 calories, 21g protein, 63 carbohydrates, 16 g total fat (3 g saturated), 230 mg cholesterol, 811mg sodium. The book has it classified as
The shrimp (small shrimp not halved) and egg...
Ta da! Finished! It turned out very flavorful and tasty. Hopefully will make goood leftovers...My roommate and I approved. Too bad it has shrimp in it...mom can't try it :(
17 October 2008
From the Back Row - A List of Veterinary School Stresses as Viewed by a Student on Prozac
So...excerpts from the list of vet student stressors....
- when you ask a professor how to do better in his class his advice is, "You must try harder.
- Reading all of the suggested references and still not doing well in the class
- A fellow classmate is taken away in a straight jacket.
- Always being a quarter behind in understanding
- Being frustrated because you can only do 9 things at once.
- sitting for 2 hours at your desk and realizing you haven't turned the page.
16 October 2008
SSD - From Our Blog to yours
Halloween Candy Quiz
You are a Lollypop
Like the Lollypop you are sweet and lickable;)
Find out which Halloween Candy you are at Quizopolis.com
I'm in the middle of Round 2 of tests.
13 October 2008
11 October 2008
Friday Night Fun
I bet you can't guess what flavor ice cream we both ordered! I'll give you a clue....those orange particles are carrots. Give up? It was "Carrot Cake" ice cream. It was delicious!
This is the theater that showed Chocolat. It was AWESOME. LOL. It was a fun night :)
Today however, I must hit the books. I'm off to a later start than what I was hoping for, but my neighbors had (another) party last night. I tossed and turned while trying to ignore the loud bass. Boom...boom.....boom....until 3 or 4 AM. So I woke up with a headache and went back to sleep for a couple of hours. Now I still have the headache, but I can sleep in any longer. I MUST study.
10 October 2008
The Face - Scrapbooking Freebie
Which brings me to point #2. Tara and Natalie have a freebie up at their new store,la-di-da studios! It's super cute!!
09 October 2008
Sweet Shoppe Blog Inspired Post
Your Ice Cream Personality: |
You are an incredibly modest person. You don't feel comfortable bragging about yourself... or even receiving complements. You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible. You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan. You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time. You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way |
So this was for Sweet Shoppe's From Our Blog to Yours Challenge :) quick studying break. I don't know if it's really accurate though. I'm not a great multitasker as I'm easily distracted. I don't really think I'm that dramatic -expressive, but not dramatic. And I don't think I'm bold.
08 October 2008
Goals 2021
After reflecting on last year's goals, I've settled on this year's ambitious goals. 1. Grow your mind: Read 52 books Th...
Happy WOYWW! Play along at http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ First of all...look what is NOT in my house! Yes...we were successful a...
Happy WOYWW! http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ This past weekend, my husband and I packed up all our belongings (ie, crap) and moved ...
This morning, my husband and I slept in...accidentally slept right through church. So we stayed home and listened to the recording of the ...