Oh tummy! Oh tummy!
Why so darn crummy?
Dorm's food is un-yummy....
This really ain't funny!
Poetry of the Monkey who really shouldn't ever drink cappucino.
Crazy life! Crazy life! *Takes a nap*
Bible lesson makes it better. I can be somewhat of a couch potatoe Christian! Time to get off the sofa! UP! UP! UP! Genesis is awesome. I love all the applicable lessons from the histories.
Lesson for the Day.... Bum, bum, bum (can you stand the excitement?????)...
Random story from Genesis 26!
The Philistines stopped up all Isaac's wells after Abraham died. So he dung another well, but each time he dung a new one the Gerar shepherd step in and say "hey, that's my well... go away." But Isaac simply moved on and tried at a new location. He named them Esek and Sinah (dispute and opposition) until finally he dug Rehoboth ("room") and no body disputed it. He went from location to location until God finally provided room for him even though he faced opposition. He was like the little engine that could. Then others saw (the very people who had persecuted him) that God was with him in everything. So they asked to make a treaty with him. Low and behold... where I would have said..."go away you greedy theives," Isaac made them a feast and swore and oath to them, and they left in peace. Then, God provided yet another well.
Y'all, I'm too busy with crafts, painting, reading, or playing with my kids to keep an eye on dinner! Whoops!
27 February 2006
24 February 2006
19 February 2006
16 February 2006
Busy, busy...I should be studying.
GAh. Test tomorrow... not going to be fun... i think I'll skip some classes to study for it. Hmmm this sounds like a good plan...-_- I should be studying pero no quiero estudiar. Me gustan los caballos. Me gusta Dan. Dan is the man. I had my second riding lesson today with Dan. We trotted. Exciting. Posting will come at a later date; for now, we only trotted to get the feel of trotting (bounce, bounce, bounce... i wasn't very graceful...). Poor Dan. I feel like it's animal cruelty to make the old fellow trot; his joints crack. Lol... apparently the owner of the farm adores Dan. You can bash her, you can bash the farm, but if you say something about Dan...say good bye. I really should study now... i'm sick of Organic.... please... no more Sn1 or Sn2 or aromatic or mechanisms or whatever... who needs organic... i don't want to be a vet... i'll just...um.....well...*tries to think of another profession...scratches head *...wash the essence of horse off and then .....study.....o...r...g...a..n...i...c....(notice the apparent dread).
I wish I had carried around my camera today. Brooke took me to see the cremello colt. He's funny looking. Poor guy. He's in his ugly stage (his head looks like a goat's head). Oh, cremellos are white with pinkish skin and blue eyes. When crossed with a bay, the offspring will always be a buckskin. When crossed with a sorrel (or chesnut), the offspring will always be a palomino. Which sale really well. Plus he's got a star performer ancestry. Unfortunately his first offspring will probably be born Spring 08... the semester I graduate (so i may or maynot see them). There were lambs in the neighboring pen.... SO CUTE! They're just a week or so old and about as big as my dog. I picked one up and held him for a while.... so cute! Such aldorable little black things. *big girly smile*
I love animal science. My favorite classes are Nutrition and my horse class. We're going over body conformation in Intro to the Equine industry. I'll never look at the horse the same again.... welll... this horse has terrible pasterns....no slope at all.. like pogo sticks... and runs downhill... blah, blah ,blah.
I wish I had carried around my camera today. Brooke took me to see the cremello colt. He's funny looking. Poor guy. He's in his ugly stage (his head looks like a goat's head). Oh, cremellos are white with pinkish skin and blue eyes. When crossed with a bay, the offspring will always be a buckskin. When crossed with a sorrel (or chesnut), the offspring will always be a palomino. Which sale really well. Plus he's got a star performer ancestry. Unfortunately his first offspring will probably be born Spring 08... the semester I graduate (so i may or maynot see them). There were lambs in the neighboring pen.... SO CUTE! They're just a week or so old and about as big as my dog. I picked one up and held him for a while.... so cute! Such aldorable little black things. *big girly smile*
I love animal science. My favorite classes are Nutrition and my horse class. We're going over body conformation in Intro to the Equine industry. I'll never look at the horse the same again.... welll... this horse has terrible pasterns....no slope at all.. like pogo sticks... and runs downhill... blah, blah ,blah.
14 February 2006
Hooray -_- Happy valentine's day
Curse Valentine's day. I was going to write a post about how fantastic everybody is and how much God loves you just the way you are (which is still true!!!!)...but.... instead....curse today. Gah...it wouldn't have be so bad if i didn't spend the entire night vomitting... but a las... this valentine's day i spent quality time with the toilet - the disgusting, never been cleaned, black ring around the middle toliet. Grumpy rant over. *takes a deep breath*
Well. Instead of bashing myself this Valentine's day and whining about how stupid guys are...
"God created human in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27
I'm made in the image of God. Therefore, there's no need to be upset with the way God made me. I'm the way I'm supposed to be. My nose isn't too big, my feet aren't too long.
"The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." Psalm 45:11
Someone left this on my door and it applies to all the young princes and princesses of the Kingdom:
You are a daughter of the true living God, who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are a princess and only deserve the best. Because your Father loves you,
"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
The challenge for today for everbody who reads this:
Let today be a random acts of kindness day. You never know when you're going to run into an angel.
"Do not neglect to show hospilatality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers" Galations 6:10
Well. Instead of bashing myself this Valentine's day and whining about how stupid guys are...
"God created human in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27
I'm made in the image of God. Therefore, there's no need to be upset with the way God made me. I'm the way I'm supposed to be. My nose isn't too big, my feet aren't too long.
"The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." Psalm 45:11
Someone left this on my door and it applies to all the young princes and princesses of the Kingdom:
You are a daughter of the true living God, who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are a princess and only deserve the best. Because your Father loves you,
"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
The challenge for today for everbody who reads this:
Let today be a random acts of kindness day. You never know when you're going to run into an angel.
"Do not neglect to show hospilatality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers" Galations 6:10
12 February 2006
who needs complete sentences.
Definitely a fantastic weekend.
I spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Brooke’s house. Good food. Good Movies. Plus, it snowed! A lot! Even though it didn’t stick, it was nice just sitting in front of the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and watching the snow fall. Nice retreat from dorm life. Much needed. Although I didn’t study O-chem at all. Whoops. I’ll survive.
I spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Brooke’s house. Good food. Good Movies. Plus, it snowed! A lot! Even though it didn’t stick, it was nice just sitting in front of the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and watching the snow fall. Nice retreat from dorm life. Much needed. Although I didn’t study O-chem at all. Whoops. I’ll survive.
05 February 2006
All I need to know in life I learned from a horse
- When in doubt, run far, far away.
- You can never have too many treats.
- Passing gas in public is nothing to be ashamed of.
- New shoes are an absolute necessity every 6 weeks.
- Ignore cues. They're just a prompt to do more work.
- Everyone loves a good, wet, slobbery kiss.
- Never run when you can jog. Never jog when you can walk. And never walk when you can stand still.
- Heaven is eating at least 10 hours a day... and then sleeping the rest.
- Eat plenty of roughage.
- Great legs and a nice rear will get you anywhere. Big, brown eyes help too.
- When you want your way, stomp hard on the nearest foot.
- In times of crisis, take a poop.
- Act dumb when faced with a task you don't want to do.
- Follow the herd. That way, you can't be singled out to take the blame.
- A swift kick in the butt will get anyone's attention.
- Love those who love you back, especially if they have something good to eat.
03 February 2006
Dan, Dan, Dan. Dan the Man...er.... Horse.
Dan. Dan is the school horse I’ve been assigned to. Dan is in his 20’s. Dan is old. Dan doesn’t move fast. Dan follows Lauren (the teacher) or Astelle (the other horse) – nevermind the scrawny biped on his back. We practiced two-point (no butt on the saddle, but you still have to keep your hips aligned with your ankles while leaning over…like a jockey) until my legs were twitching… ah the pain. This definitely is going to require ankle exercise. Lauren’s decided she wants to teach us jumping. Don’t watch Gone with the Wind any time soon.
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